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Memorial Day Mashup: How to Kick Off Summer

This Memorial Day weekend, I am arms deep in a few play events, which is such an awesome problem to have! Here they are briefly:


Found Stages and Little Five Arts Alive‘s Atlanta Pod Plays is first up this weekend!.  Found Stages, a relatively new theatre company in Atlanta, commissioned a few playwrights and developed site specific plays at locations in Little Five Points.  My play called, “Sit Anywhere,” is designed to be heard in front of Bass Family Lofts.  Check them out at https://soundcloud.com/found-stages-…/…/the-atlanta-podplays. Also, stop by the Found Stages site, after all, we were named a Best Bet for the weekend!


In 2014, while a Horizon Theatre Apprentice, I started working on two full lengths. I often work on two plays at the same time – the ideas just come time simultaneously.  Point is, in 2017, I made a promise to myself to finish these plays so that I can move on to my next subjects, so I’ve been working to get my unfinished full lengths completed. First it was On the Third Day, about a family dealing with the lose of an immediate family member. The second is That What Buried (pictured above) about three African American sisters in Paris in 1955.

This reading is presented by Working Title Playwrights at the Alliance Theatre in the Movement Studio on the 3rd floor on May 30, 2017 at 7:30pm. It features one of my favorite directors in Mia Kristin Smith, Horizon buddy Hannah Church as Stage Manager, and actresses Dionna Davis, Brittany L. Smith, and Victoria Wilson. The room is small, so get there early!


I’m excited to announce my curation of an online interview web summit about the business of the arts. The Online Artist Residency kicks off June 6th…you should join now and be the first to know all the juicy things about the summit.  A much longer post to come!